Less Boozy Canadians

G'day,The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction has published their latest report on recommended weekly alcohol intake. And well, let's just be real, it's probably much less than any of us are drinking.

After reviewing nearly 6,000 studies, they've established that any more than two drinks (one drink constitutes a shot of hard liquor, bottle of beer, or a glass of wine) a week can result in increased negative health outcomes, including various forms of cancer. Yikes.

Two drinks? That's not even enough to navigate a family holiday gathering. The Canadian guidelines sit on the conservative end compared to countries like the U.K. and Australia, who recommend 14 and 10 units of alcohol per week respectively. They also mark a very significant shift from 2011, when the last Canuck drinking report was done, which recommended 10 drinks a week for women and 15 drinks a week for men. Better learn to savour those Labatt 50s bud.

Why we love chef Wednesdays

Here's a video of a man roasting pigs over an open fire in Argentina whilst wearing a straw had. Need we say more?


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