Happy Pancake Day


As we are all acutely aware, today, February 21st, is Pancake Day. One of the year’s great days.

Pancake Day is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent. For those that partake in the Lenten fast, it’s the last opportunity to use egg and fats for 40 days.

This most delicious of days came about for practical reasons—you had to use up the perishable ingredients lying around your house like eggs and milk before you started fasting. But the ingredients found in pancakes also have symbolic significance given the Easter-y time of year it takes place in:

Eggs ~ Creation
Flour ~ The staff of life
Salt ~ Wholesomeness
Milk ~ Purity

THE MORE YOU KNOW (cue catchy jingle).

Now go make some pancakes. Specifically go make these ones, because dog cooking videos are funny.


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