Fairy Bread

The end of Noma

G'day, Noma, the Copenhagen restaurant known for making vinegar, spruce tips, and brown aprons cool, recently announced it would be shuttering its doors in 2024. A sad day for foodies and chef groupies worldwide. A good day for people who like their food served on less hay.

127 million people downloaded the McDonald's app in 2022

This makes the macca's app the number one downloaded food and drink app on the planet. Terrifying. But also...we're picking a McDonald's hash brown over "duck feet" fudge most days of the week, so fair play to them. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Consumption of fast food linked to liver disease

A new study published in the latest Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (you can pick one up at your local 7/11) found the following:Researchers discovered that people with obesity or diabetes who consume 20% or more of their daily calories from fast food have severely elevated levels of fat in their liver compared to those who consume less or no fast food. And the general population has moderate increases of liver fat when one-fifth or more of their diet is fast food.

We knew this. You knew this. But now that Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology told us, we know it for sure.

Why we love restaurants Wednesdays:

Fire, chicken, cool Japanese chef. We're here for it.

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