Cosmic Seeds

Rise of the Alt-Meat


Cosmic sorghum seeds. Yes, you read that right. And no, it's not an upcoming neo-psychedelic rock band. Up in the International Space Station, somewhere 408km above the Earth, scientists are exploring the implications of cosmic radiation on seeds. The hope is that exposure to extreme conditions could stimulate genetic mutations in the seeds that would result in hardier, more useful crops for human usage. 

Far out, man...literally. 

Rise of the Alt-Meat

Of all the things people are excited for this year, an "ultra-realistic plant-based steak" is likely highest on their list. JK. But also maybe, if you're into that type of thing. A German company just secured US$10.8 million in funding to continue R&D on their fake meat. Sorry cows, your days are a food source. 

This story highlights the growing interest in finding meat alternatives. Livestock are a notoriously resource-heavy food source. With the global population growing and arable land at a premium, the trend towards developing plant-based "meat" is likely to only get stronger. 

Bye, bye to gas stoves?

Every foodie or restaurant professional knows cooking on a gas stove is king (or queen). They heat things up quickly and they are easy to control. Plus flames are cool. Everybody loves a good flame.

However, research continues to grow surrounding the affects of gas on people's health. And the data ain't that good--strong correlation has been shown between gas stove usage and childhood asthma, lung damage, and impairment in cognitive abilities

Consequently, regulators in the US are currently mulling over different iterations of a gas stove ban. We have to wonder if anybody has actually done a cost-benefit analysis of what this change could mean, though.

Sure, you may save people from gas-related health issues. But how many people will be driven to madness by trying to adjust the temperature of their induction stove when there is a microscopic particle of water on the heat controls? Those who know, know. 

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